3rd Congress of Smart Buildings (III Congreso de Edificios Inteligentes)

The past 20 and 21 June 2017 was held at the Official College of Architects of Madrid (COAM) the III Smart Buildings Congress that brought together more than 200 professionals. The Congress was inaugurated by Francisco Javier Martín Ramiro, Deputy Director General of Architecture and Building of the Ministry of Development; Eloy Algorri, General Secretary, Superior Council of Colleges of Architects of Spain, CSCAE and Carlos Lahoz, Vice-dean of COAM, together with Stefan Junestrand, Director of the Intelligent Buildings Congress.

The broad and varied program was made up of 18 Oral Communications Presentations, selected from around 50 final communications sent to the Congress, and 5 Round Tables with the themes: “The implementation of Technology and its promotion in the Real Estate Sector”; “Architecture and Engineering: Designing the Intelligent Building”; “Interaction with people: The user experience of Technology in Buildings”; “Cybersecurity: Risks and Solutions applicable to Intelligent Buildings” and “Smart City: The role of the Intelligent Connected Building”.

Among those 18 papers, AI Talentum presented its proposal, carried out in collaboration with the company Proasistech.

Cognitive Development of Smart Buildings

Our communication presents HiThing! – PRIoTs, a Global Cognitive Platform that through a social network in chat format allows to provide artificial intelligence buildings and infrastructures making them communicate with people in spoken and / or written natural language, to make the Energy consumption is reduced to the minimum feasible and the efficiency in the use of energy is maximized, either by consumption patterns, by the price of energy at a given moment or by the green origin of this energy.

HiThing! – PRIoTs can make buildings interact not only with their users, but with all those devices, equipment, infrastructures and other artificial intelligences that are connected to the Internet of Things, whether installed inside it or in any other location. The human being becomes the center of this circle of communication and can converse in natural language with all those buildings and systems that are connected.
